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hasty entrenchment

hasty entrenchment

“Of all things, hard work has become a virtue instead of the curse it was always advertised to be by our remote ancestors. Our children should be prepared to bring their children up so they won’t have to work as a neurotic necessity. The necessity to work...
Behind the Stove

Behind the Stove

A good rabbi named Eisik of Cracow had a dream. Three times he had it. The dream said: “Go to Prague, to the great bridge, and if you dig there you will find a buried treasure.” So Eisik walked all the way to Prague. He found the bridge, but it was heavily guarded....
Beer Battered Fries

Beer Battered Fries

  “I was employed as a house painter to do faux-painting in Mel Gibson’s home . . . I believe it was Braveheart that was making Mel Gibson a ton of money at that time, which for us meant we could dedicate entire days to making a new door look old. Working...
Males Compete for Space on the Beach

Males Compete for Space on the Beach

“The idea is to get away from one place, but I never get away, I never reach another place. I try to struggle with the things that bind me, but I forget the nature of the bonds. I go to the movies. I get up at four and read until dawn. I do everything but the...

he’s there to keep it going

[flowplayer src=’’ splash=’’]   “‘I had to climb a mountain. There...
Large Pearl

Large Pearl

    “There is a life-sized bronze statue of Woody Allen in Spain. (fact) Onion comes from a Latin word meaning large pearl. (fact) There are more chickens than people in the world. (fact) The models for Rodin’s The Kiss were his parents. (crap)...