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henny penny cabaret

henny penny cabaret

  “Tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, pandemics, cosmic radiation, gamma bursts from space, colliding comets, and asteroids – these catastrophic events have become a common part of our culture. Are natural calamities now more probable, and more...
a shrieking in the trees

a shrieking in the trees

“One of my favorite movies, Groundhog Day, illustrates very well our position as human beings on this planet. The insight we gain from the infinite life perspective is that we have infinite time in which to get things done, just as Bill Murray’s character...

holding the rope

[flowplayer src=’’ splash=’’]   “My inner self was urging me: Now is the time! Now! With those...
some kind of animal

some kind of animal

“It would be a good idea to clear up one possible source of misunderstanding at the very outset. To some people new to the idea of reincarnation, this concept suggests a series of lifetimes including experiences both as animals and as humans. While some schools...
an actor prepares

an actor prepares

  “Theoretically you might suppose that the ideal type of emotion memory would be one that could retain and reproduce impressions in all the exact details of their first occurrence, that they would be revived just as they were really experienced. Yet if...