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tantrums are messages from outer space

tantrums are messages from outer space

I’ve been reading, or trying to read, this collection of lectures by the physicist Richard Feynman. theoretical physicists spend a lot of time making things up. they test these ideas later to see if their theories actually hold. this is the way experimenting...
is loneliness a monster?

is loneliness a monster?

today i am starting, officially or unofficially, my new writing experience. i just finished printing another final final final final final revision of the novel i have been working on for the last, gulp, six years. gosh maybe seven years? i don’t have the balls...
they get bombed

they get bombed

“The hard sphere,” declared the British physicist, Sir James Jeans, “has always a definite position in space; the electron apparently has not. A hard sphere takes up a very definite amount of room, an electron—well, it is probably as meaningless to discuss...
emotional states

emotional states

  We’re working with ideas and theories that have built up like rock and sand, mountain and steppe over millions of years. We’re dealing with the evolution of ideas, emotions, and attitudes. The question is: how much can one person affect their own development in...
refused to love her

refused to love her

notes on fear, fight or flight maybe I turned against myself (hypothalamus stimulates action) maybe the selfishness and self-seeking have been a form of isolation (pituitary gland releases hormones) did I back down as soon as there was conflict? (adrenal glands...