The cheese stands alone. —From “Farmer in the Dell,” nursery rhyme Spelunking into the shame cave, are you? Don’t beat yourself to death with a headlamp. That? That’s a cut from a stalagmite. They’ll reach out and getcha. If you swim too low, too slow, too something...
First Layer: We have an aura. It’s said to hover above our head and around the edges of our body. Best bet: wear white and sit in a room with white walls. Ask a friend to look at your aura for you. We can’t see our own aura. We are inside it, like a dry cleaning bag....
The Agents of Outrage: An embassy attacked. Diplomats murdered. The new calculus of violence against America. Brooklyn is Finished: Or has it only just begun? You call this an election? Could China and Japan go to war over these? The Adventures of Genius: True...