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the elite delete

[flowplayer src=’’ splash=’’]   “I hate throwing up. You are totally alone when you throw up.”...
the facts we hate

the facts we hate

“Female mormon crickets Anabrus simplex respond to the songs of a male by fighting with each other for the privilege of mating with him. The successful female climbs onto the male’s back, and if she is heavy enough mating takes place; too light and she is...
transcendentalism without trying

transcendentalism without trying

what I know about transcendentalism is that it was a movement in the northeast region of the united states of america in the 1800s and ralph waldo emerson either started it, or cofounded it with henry david thoreau and the usual uncredited women in their circle....
chop wood, carry water

chop wood, carry water

    An Die Musik (“To Music”) Oh gracious art, in how many gray hours when life’s fierce orbit ensnared me have you kindled my heart to warm love, carried me away into a better world? How often has a sigh escaping from your harp, a sweet,...