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Sex Life and Salary

Sex Life and Salary

First Layer: We have an aura. It’s said to hover above our head and around the edges of our body. Best bet: wear white and sit in a room with white walls. Ask a friend to look at your aura for you. We can’t see our own aura. We are inside it, like a dry cleaning bag....
my lobotomy

my lobotomy

“The drama in my plays, I think, is nearly always people trying to reach each other . . . It’s true they’re confined inside their own skins, or their own cubicles, but they must try to get out as much as — they must try to find a common ground on which they can meet ....
novel therapy

novel therapy

“Nature is a Haunted House— but Art—a House that tries to be haunted. ” —Emily Dickinson Case Notes: Patty Emerson Berglund Fictional Work: Freedom Author: Jonathan Franzen Patty came to me because of chronic recurring depression and intermittent alcoholic behavior...


“What would the world look like if I rode on a beam of light.” —Albert Einstein at the age of fourteen A girl leaves her apartment in Brooklyn and starts walking. When I say “girl,” I mean she is in her early twenties. Her apartment is right next to...
his hidden percentage

his hidden percentage

Volcanic eruptions seem to be a normal process in the development of terrestrial planets.” —from A Meeting With the Universe (NASA) Something is lurking under the surface. How do you know it’s there? Because his skin is bad and he can’t sleep. Well, of...
Gifts. Turkey. Life.

Gifts. Turkey. Life.

“When I expect myself to be superhuman, I become anxious and depressed; when I expect you to be, I become hostile; when I expect the world to be superperfect, I become self-pitying and rebelliously inert. If I am truly human, and expect nothing but humanness...