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a shrieking in the trees

a shrieking in the trees

“One of my favorite movies, Groundhog Day, illustrates very well our position as human beings on this planet. The insight we gain from the infinite life perspective is that we have infinite time in which to get things done, just as Bill Murray’s character...
Prove Yourself Lately?

Prove Yourself Lately?

“How would it be to open the picture on a San Francisco street with a series of cuts of upturned faces, some stationary, others moving slowly along, and what they are looking at is an unusual number of sea gulls flying above the buildings of the city. We could...
what i don’t get

what i don’t get

“Black pony, big moon, and olives in my saddlebag. Although I know the roads I’ll never reach Cordoba.” —from Rider’s Song by Federico Garcia Lorca It’s too bad that my understanding of slavery is so influenced by movies like Django Unchained...
human puppy

human puppy

“Weave a circle round him thrice, And close your eyes with holy dread For he on honey-dew hath fed, And drunk the milk of Paradise.” —From Kubla Khan by Samuel Taylor Coleridge Try walking around with a little puppy in your arms or on a leash, all fresh...
playing footsies with chris walken

playing footsies with chris walken

  “Whenever I’ve tried to free my life from a set of circumstances that continuously oppress it, I’ve been instantly surrounded by other circumstances of the same order, as if the inscrutable web of creation were irrevocably at odds with me. I...