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“Only a person who has lived through a time that threatens his life and that valuable substance, his individual freedom, with war, power, and tyrannical ideologies–only he knows how much courage, how much honesty and determination are needed to maintain the inner self in such a time of herd insanity.” –Stefan Zweig Add a Tooltip Text


backstory: summer 1978

brother and sister. here’s what they did.

1. collected shattered glass from the shoulders of the highway (this highway has crosses propped in the median)

2. stole porno mags from the garbage cans of a neighbor (this neighbor was their dentist)

3. dangled raw chicken parts over the lake (this caught them furious, blue-clawed crabs)

4. played a board game that took days to finish (this was “Risk”)

5. slid down long carpet strips nailed to a high tree branch (this burned the skin from their arms)


front story: 2012